Pricing table

grey and white computer keyboard beside grey headphones

Basic Support Package

flat rate (high)

per hour

More info
1 to 10 hours package

Our team of 8 professionals is available for hire. Clients can select one or any number of assistants based on their needs.

Prepaid packages of hours tailored to meet your requirements. Clients have full control over how many hours they purchase.

Clients choose the rate at which hours are utilized, ensuring full transparency and control over budget.

a woman sitting at a table with a laptop

Standard Support Package

flat rate (medium)

per hour

More info
11 to 20 hours package

Our team of 8 professionals is available for hire. Clients can select one or any number of assistants based on their needs.

Prepaid packages of hours tailored to meet your requirements. Clients have full control over how many hours they purchase.

Clients choose the rate at which hours are utilized, ensuring full transparency and control over budget.

man in black crew neck t-shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses using computer

Premium Support Package

flat rate (low)

per hour

More info
21 to 30 hours package

Our team of 8 professionals is available for hire. Clients can select one or any number of assistants based on their needs.

Prepaid packages of hours tailored to meet your requirements. Clients have full control over how many hours they purchase.

Clients choose the rate at which hours are utilized, ensuring full transparency and control over budget.

We would love to talk with you

Ready to chat with someone who's as helpful as your own assistant? Share what you do and what you need a hand with. We've got plenty of experience helping small business owners and executives figure out what kind of help they need and how much time it'll take.

Request a Consultation
woman in blue long sleeve shirt using silver macbook